
FoRB supports the Park with small capital improvement projects. These projects include efforts to preserve the park’s history and its natural resources. These CIP’s are in addition to the funds that FoRB spends on Programs.

Hickam Cabin Restoration - Completed as planned

In 2014, the historic Hickam Cabin was falling down and slated for demolition. Led by former FoRB president Susan Haines and early park supporter Dorothy Stoerker Peters, FoRB raised funds to restore the cabin. A specialist in old cabin restoration disassembled the timbers, laid a new foundation wall, restacked and rechinked the timbers, and replaced the roof, windows and doors. A few years later, additional funds were used to lay a new wooden floor. Now the restored building is used for programs about the early European settlers of the area.

Sinkhole Trail History Hike - Completed as planned

A member of the FoRB Board worked with Park Staff to design and construct the signs on the Sinkhole Trail “History Hike”. The trail includes 23 interpretive signs that detail the park’s Prehistoric, Pioneer and Park Past. The park provided the materials and the FoRB Board member, Steve Ferguson, constructed and installed the signs. Park Naturalist Roxie Campbell and the FoRB Board member collaborated on the sign content.

Future Projects :