Upcoming Meetings/Events at Rock Bridge Memorial State Park!

NEWS: As we enter the second week of the CoMoGives campaign, I just wanted you to know FoRB works with a variety of organizations to present nature-based educational programs through the Underserved Populations Outreach Program (UPOP).

Downtown Optimists and Missouri Parks Association are co-sponsors of our programs.

Master Naturalists help present the programs.

We’ve worked with organizations such as Fun City Youth Academy, Moving Ahead (within Columbia Housing Authority), Coyote Hill, UCP Heartland Child Development Center, City of Refuge, Armory Sports & Recreation Center, Boys and Girls Club and Centro Latino to provide programs to the participants they serve.

In addition to UPOP, FoRB also conducts nature-based educational programs for 2- to 5-year-olds (and their caregivers) through our Nature Detectives.  These programs are open to everyone.

FoRB participates in the CoMoGives campaign to raise funds to be able to continue to provide these programs.  The first of three “Power Hours” is Thursday, December 12th from 4:00 to 7:00 PM.

Thank You for supporting FoRB To contribute, go to https://www.comogives.com/organization/Friends-Of-Rock-Bridge-Memmorial-State-Park and click the donate button.

Thank you for supporting FoRB.

MEETING: No FoRB Board Meeting in December - Next FoRB meeting Jan 14th, 2025, from 6-8PM at the Park Office - the public is invited to attend this event.


EVENT: Winter Bird Count - December 14th - watch here for more details….

The Friends of Rock Bridge Memorial State Park (FoRB) is an independent membership supported 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. With your financial support, FoRB advocates for the Preservation/Protection of the park, supports park Projects and provides Programs for area youth. The FoRB Board of Directors (and our membership) are always independent of the Missouri State Park management hierarchy. Your participation and membership in FoRB helps to assure that you have a strong voice in the protection and preservation of this valuable and vital natural resource that we all love.



We help with volunteer and financial support for small capital improvement projects that preserve the park’s history and natural resources.


Your membership and donations help us sponsor educational and stewardship programs to engage this and future generations of park lovers.


We help to preserve and protect the park by educating the community and local government about how urban development, climate change, and invasive species directly affect our park.

Historic Hickam Cabin with timbers restocked and new roof
Children looking for stream sitters in a tub of water from Rock Bridge Creek
Map showing the location of a proposed development next to Gans Creek Wild Area

If you wish to have a Board Member from FoRB speak to your group or club about preservation and protection of Rock Bridge Memorial State Park, use the “Contact” form and describe your request. Or email us directly at friendsofrockbridge@gmail.com.

Click this button to exit Friends and to go to the Missouri State Parks web site for Rock Bridge Memorial State Park.

Click this button to exit Friends and to go to the Donation Page where you can make a direct donation to support us.